Consider this to be your gradual emergence from your Bleeding Red Tent, as you step out and become more visible into the world. This is your Pre-ovulatory Phase. For the women who are not currently bleeding, this is a perfect guided journey to do during the Crescent/Waxing Moon. Find a comfortable space, preferably seated, with no disturbances and enough space to eventually begin to rise up to move, stretch, and even dance.
Dive along with Estrogen and her journey through the growth and maturation of your Eggs. She is the QUEEN, queen of HOPE, she is potent, an executer, and often aggressively seductive. Allow her to flow through you and as your inner waters rise, let her show you what’s possible.
She asks you: What are you ready to say YES to? Are you ready to embark on this epic quest?
Trust the calling you hear, and yes to new adventures
Be Bold